On March 28, 2020, Ronald Wronko, Esq., was a panelist at the NJICLE Seminar entitled 2020 Legal Malpractice Update. Mr. Wronko spoke on the issue of whether a claim for Legal Malpractice can be proven through an ethics violation. Mr. Wronko analyzed recent case law developments on the use of ethics violations to try to […]
Legal Malpractice
How do I sue my lawyer for malpractice in New Jersey? Steps For Suing For Legal Malpractice You need to take these steps to sue a New Jersey lawyer for malpractice. Find a Competent NJ Legal Malpractice Attorney; Your attorney must review the case for attorney negligence; Attorney Negligence is found where: The lawyer owed […]
A legal malpractice case in the state of New Jersey is different from other lawsuits. One way that it is different is the Affidavit of Merit requirement. The state of New Jersey requires a person who is going to sue a licensed professional to hire a licensed professional in the same field as one of […]
Does an ethics violation by a New Jersey attorney automatically mean legal malpractice has been committed? New Jersey lawyers are governed by the rules of professional conduct. Lawyers must follow the rules of professional conduct in their every day practices. If they do not follow the rules of professional conduct, they can be disciplined by […]
Lawyers who have offices out of state but practice law here in New Jersey can be sued within the state for legal malpractice. The New Jersey Appellate Division recently made a decision in the case of Cantone Research, Inc. v. Gardner that addressed the issue of jurisdiction in a New Jersey legal malpractice case. In […]