If you’ve had a auto accident, take care to select an experience NJ car accident lawyer to guide you through the complexity of state laws and regulations.
In NJ auto accidents, a victim has to prove that the defendant driver was negligent. To prove negligence, there must be a duty by the defendant driver to use reasonable care. The defendant driver must have disregarded that duty and caused harm. A driver owes a duty to passengers as well.
One way to prove negligence in a NJ car accident case is show that the defendant driver has violated the NJ motor vehicle code. Examples of this include careless driving and following too closely.
A NJ car accident plaintiff usually has to meet the verbal threshold which limits recovery in lawsuits to those cases involving serious injuries. Before a lawsuit is filed, it is essential that a plaintiff’s damages be examined and medical records requested.
As a plaintiff in a NJ car accident case, winning a lawsuit is just part of the battle. A plaintiff also has to obtain treatment for damages. NJ law provides that auto insurance policies provide no-fault coverage for medical injuries arising out of car accidents. This coverage is called Personal Injury Protection (PIP). A plaintiff needs to be properly advised to provide notice of treatment to the auto carrier in sufficient time or else the carrier could disclaim coverage.
Ronald J. Wronko, Esq., is well experienced in handling the complexity of New Jersey auto and car accident cases. Mr. Wronko recently handled a rear-end NJ car accident case in Randolph, Morris County, New Jersey. Mr. Wronko was able to obtain $325,000 as a recovery for the victim of the accident. Please fill out our contact form or call the Firm at (973) 360-1001 for an initial consultation.